Late November 2019 was a powerful time in Guatemala, reaching out to the hurting, but also those who reach the hurting. This short visit was about ministry to the leaders and team at Casa de Refugio in Chiquimulilla, Guatemala along with touching lives on the streets with these great people. Souls were saved, leaders were impacted, and callings were confirmed. ¡Dios es bueno!
Ministering at El Shaddai church in Chiquimulilla, Guatemala
The House of Refuge team after a time of evangelism training.
Praying with a man at a street outreach service. He came to the service after we ministered to him on the streets.
Souls responding to the Gospel at an outreach service
Praying for a precious soul on the streets in Chiquimulilla
The street outreach team of Casa de Refugio. What a joy to work with these great people!
It has been a privilege to be a part of a team of evangelists who have made nation-wide impact in Panama throughout 2018 and 2019. Tens of thousands of lives have been transformed through Panama para Cristo (Panama for Christ) and our visit in November was a continuation of this move of God. I was able to minister to leaders on this team as well as in many churches across the nation, where we prayed with many with the call to evangelism. God is alive and moving in Central America!
Praying for a young man with a call to evangelism
The Panama para Cristo team - an awesome group of people from several nations coming together to impact this nation
God touched the heart of another with prophetic words affirming his calling
Smiles all around after a local church service in Panama City
Two ladies with a call to share the Gospel that we ministered to
Speaking in a local church in Panama with my adopted Colombian 'spiritual daughter' Melanie interpreting
Our long journey to Tanzania in August 2019 took Kimberly and I through
four continents over 48 hours. It was a rewarding time as we
ministered 10 times in two cities, impacting hundreds of lives with the Gospel.
In Dar es Salaam, we had the first gathering of
evangelists that many leaders in this nation had ever seen. During
this conference, evangelists were taught, encouraged and mobilized to carry out
the Great Commission. A network of evangelists was birthed that will grow
to reach many in Africa and beyond.

A historic gathering of evangelists... the first that many had ever been a part of. Tanzania will be impacted by these men & women of God!
How beautiful are the feet of them that bring the good news!
Kimberly with children outside church in Arusha, Tanzania
Praying with those who responded to an invitation. There is such a reverence for prayer in Tanzania.
A young evangelist being touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit as evangelists were ministered to in Dar es Salaam.
Preaching at a leaders gathering in Arusha, Tanzania
Praying over evangelists who are committing themselves to the calling
Brad & Kimberly with Ptr. Lucas & some of their church family in Arusha
Ministering to evangelists in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Delivering the word of God to a full house
Kids who love getting into the picture!
Here I am, Send me! Praying over the feet of one of many who responded to the call
We have opportunity to impact many evangelists in two different regions in the nation of Tanzania in August.
- Pray that God will move upon their hearts to carry the Gospel to the most unreached areas of their nation and beyond.
- Pray that our travel will flow smoothly as we have numerous air connections to get where we are going.
- Pray for finances to come in for us to have all needs met for these evangelism conferences.
Photo below: Brad with a Tanzanian evangelist on a crusade platform in 2017.
In two different regions of the Ukraine in May, the Gospel went forth powerfully. Lives were changed as we ministered to the poor, preached in churches and prayed for the sick. It was great seeing God move in this part of the world, as many challenges have recently risen up in the Ukraine, including military conflict and a new government. We ministered in gypsy villages, local churches, homes, on the streets and even in a newly developed camp outside the city of Chernivtsi. We pray that God will continue to make a difference in these precious people.

Preaching in a local church in Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Praying for believers in a ministry time.
One of the many gypsy men we impacted with the Gospel near Berehove in the western part of Ukraine
Chris Ward sharing the word of God at 'Narnia' camp outside of Chernivtsi, Ukraine
A Christian school in Chernivtsi where evangelist Levi Szandai from Romania shared with the students
The youth and church family we ministered to at the 'Narnia' camp outside Chernivtsi, Ukraine