Our time in Cambodia and V***nam in November was filled with meeting amazing people that are serving God in a part of the world that desperately needs the Gospel. It was a time of equipping in two nations that unfortunately have seen some of the worst of humanity. The V***nam war and the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia have left scars on this nation - but the power of the Gospel is making a difference.
In Cambodia, we taught in Phnom Penh to leaders from across the nation. They were equipped in the area of evangelism and put their training into practice right away as we heard reports of them reaching out in unprecedented ways right after we left.
In V***nam, we appreciate your prayers as we visited believers near Hanoi and Saigon. Pray for the church in these two nations - the challenges they face are real.

Ministering to leaders about evangelism in Cambodia

Preaching in a local church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Part of the 'Killing Fields' near Phnom Penh

Students in Calvary Bible Institute who learned about evangelism, worship and more from Matt Desourdis and Brad Mayer

Ha Long Bay in North Vietnam... one of the most beautiful places in the world

Saigon skyline in south Vietnam
Our small team of Brad Mayer and Matthieu Desourdis ministered 21 times in just 10 full days in the Philippines at the end of February. We preached in numerous churches, prisons, schools, to youth, and to leaders. God opened many doors as we saw over 200 come to Christ and hundreds more were ministered to in regards to the call to evangelize.
When we saw a young gifrl come into one of the services we ministered in with a cast on both her legs with a bar between her feet, Matthieu mentioned that he knew a bit about what that was like as he also wore a brace like this on his legs when he was a child. Matthieu prayed for the little girl and within just a couple of days, the casts came off. Freely he received, freely he gave.
A young man named Dino found his way into a service in Bacolod, Philippines where his life was changed. After a message about the miraculous, the faith of the people was stirred up, and a Filipino believer prayed with Dino three times after the service. After the third prayer, Dino put down his crutches and walked without them for the first time in sixteen years! To see a video of this man taking his first steps without crutches in many years, check out www.facebook.com/canadianfiremissions and find the post from March 3, 2018.
Matthieu speaking to students in a college.
Before prayer...

Getting prayed for...

The next day she was out of her casts!! Freely you have received, freely give!

Teaching about evangelism in a church near Bacolod, Philippines.

Men responding to a salvation invitation in a prison in the Philippines.

Preaching at a church that has seen explosive growth in Davao, Philippines
Hundreds of Filipino young people respond to the call to evangelize
Dino, after walking without his crutches for the first time in 16 years!
Help us Impact the Philippines as we travel there to ministry on Feb.22, 2018. We'll be ministering in churches, in outreaches, to leaders and many more in two different cities and your prayers are much appreciated. Click on the 'Donate' link here on the Canadian Fire page to see how you can help financially.