I posted on Facebook asking for prayer for the outreach we had scheduled. If you prayed, I need to let you know that your prayers worked… our God definitely answered supernaturally.
One day before the outreach the forecast was for 25mm of rain over the hours we wanted to be reaching out. Much credit must go to the worship team from Life Outreach Church, who set their equipment up in the rain… all the while praying for a ‘window’ of
time where the rain would stop and we could share the Gospel.
Not only did the rain stop for the time we asked for... it continued to rain heavily in all of the areas around us where farmers desperately need moisture.
The rain held off until we stopped preaching, singing and giving out food to the more than 100 people who showed up, when even just a few hours earlier in the day it looked like there was no chance anyone would show up in the pouring rain.
Thank you for your prayers!! Inner-city people prayed to receive Christ. God is so good!!

Christmas Cheer.Go
So this is how my local church impacted hundreds of lives at Christmas time. For more than 15 years, we've hosted a huge community meal where often would feed as many as 1000 people in one setting. This couldn't happen this year, so instead of doing nothing because the people couldn't come to us, we went to them with a full Christmas meal for their family.
We didn’t just bring a box of food, but also a Bible, a game, a gingerbread house and a magnet we designed with a prayer of protection on it. It was great to pray for so many people as we dropped the boxes of ‘Christmas Cheer’ off! We impacted over 800 people in 200 homes in our inner city.

A family rejoices to receive a Christmas Cheer.Go box in their home
Packed boxes ready to go!
Smiling faces of inner city residents as they received their box
Another family happy to see us!
It is more blessed to give than to receive!
Christmas Cheer.Go making a difference in one more family
Vehicles being loaded as we head out to deliver 200 boxes in an hour and a half!
Checking out the contents of a full box of goodies!
Everything you'd need for a full Christmas meal for a family ... including a homemade pumpkin pie!
What a season we are in. Online teaching & mentoring has become part of our lives for this time.
I was recently able to share in a morning teaching session with pastors and leaders in Singapore and the Philippines. They are 14 time zones ahead of us and yet we are one in following the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are able to make global impact even in this season when borders are shut down... we shall not be silent.