It has been awesome to be a part of Everyone: Amsterdam2023. Thousands here… together committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. Leaders from 150 nations all gathered together with the purpose to reach Everyone on earth with the Gospel by 2033!

We’ve given Canadian flags away to many leaders in many nations around the world.
I never expected to get a flag of Ukraine given back to me when we ministered in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
It is awesome to have believers praying for each other from different parts of the world.

I posted on Facebook asking for prayer for the outreach we had scheduled. If you prayed, I need to let you know that your prayers worked… our God definitely answered supernaturally.
One day before the outreach the forecast was for 25mm of rain over the hours we wanted to be reaching out. Much credit must go to the worship team from Life Outreach Church, who set their equipment up in the rain… all the while praying for a ‘window’ of
time where the rain would stop and we could share the Gospel.
Not only did the rain stop for the time we asked for... it continued to rain heavily in all of the areas around us where farmers desperately need moisture.
The rain held off until we stopped preaching, singing and giving out food to the more than 100 people who showed up, when even just a few hours earlier in the day it looked like there was no chance anyone would show up in the pouring rain.
Thank you for your prayers!! Inner-city people prayed to receive Christ. God is so good!!

It has been great to be a part of the international team in Kemba, Ethiopia where thousands heard the Gospel. Souls were saved, bodies were healed, people were set free. The last evening was a time of healing and celebration.