Canadian Fire
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It has been awesome to be a part of Everyone: Amsterdam2023. Thousands here… together committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. Leaders from 150 nations all gathered together with the purpose to reach Everyone on earth with the Gospel by 2033!

Flag Exchange in Chernivtsi, Ukraine

We’ve given Canadian flags away to many leaders in many nations around the world.

I never expected to get a flag of Ukraine given back to me when we ministered in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

It is awesome to have believers praying for each other from different parts of the world.

Impacting Nations by Impacting Leaders

If we want to change a nation, we must impact its leaders.   God calls us to at Canadian Fire Missions to make a difference in the lives of leaders.   While Jesus spent some of His time preaching the Gospel and healing the sick in the multitudes, He spent a great deal of His time with 12 men that He called to be leaders.  These 12 men that Jesus impacted left a great impact on the world of their day, literally scattering the Gospel far and wide from their starting point in Jerusalem.   The key to reaching nations is to reach leaders who will reach those nations. 

It was a pleasure to spend a lot of time with a young evangelist in Romania this summer.   Even though we did a lot of other things, reaching out to children, doing drama and evangelism in public locations, and ministering in churches - I felt my primary purpose on this last trip was to invest in the lives of young leaders.    If Romania is to be reached, then Romanians need to be at the forefront.   They understand the language and the culture, and their heart is intertwined with their homeland in such a way that God will use them to impact their cities and villages.  Pray for us as we develop this part of Canadian Fire Missions... the avenue of developing leaders who will reach their nations. 

Ministry in Moldova - August 2016

Crossing the border from Romania into Moldova was the first time I really felt like I was passing behind the 'iron curtain.' This former communist nation had evidences of days past with numerous concrete block buildings and Soviet-era lookouts at the border crossing.  Maybe the signs in Russian style Cyrillic lettering added to the flavour for us. 

The people were hungry for the Gospel though and it was great to minister with a pastor who not only had a church in Cahul, Moldova, but he was planting another church in Galati, Romania not far away.     Pray for this nation that God would move where many women are unfortunately the victims of human trafficking.  

Reaching Children in Romania

On my first visit to Romania in 2012, one of the church leaders there told me that many gypsy churches didn't bother ministering to the children because some felt that the Gospel was too difficult for them to understand.  I determined in my heart that if I ever returned to Romania, I would bring teams that would minister to children and teach about Children's Ministry - a very valuable part of bringing the Gospel to the world.   The Gospel is not difficult to understand, and we must bring it to all ages, including children. 

August 2016 marked my third trip to Romania, when our team of five ministered and reached out in public parks and at a children's camp where we made an impact on the next generation.    We painted faces, played games, fed the children, did drama, gave out prizes and preached the Gospel.   We encouraged leaders to keep up the good work in reaching out to children!  

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